You’ve all heard the adage, “it’s not what you know, but who you know!” This is especially true in business.
Cementing long-lasting relationships in business is thought to be the single greatest factor in contributing to success. Today, relationships are often times forged impersonally through the digital world—whether it’s email, Facebook, Snapchat, or another 100 different new apps that pop up on a daily basis. How many times have you yourself said, “It’s nice to meet you in person FINALLY!”? Or my personal favorite, “I feel like we know each other because we’ve emailed back and forth so many times but it’s nice to put a face to the name!”
Personal contact is still thought of by many as the most effective way of creating successful relationships. Relationships that you know when you call, someone is going to answer. One way MBI aims to help our members with networking opportunities and creating those relationships is through our different MBI-PAC events, and the sponsorships that help you promote your company.
MBI-PAC events give members (and non-members) the ability to buy into our legislative efforts while also mixing with construction colleagues from around the state. Our three premier events this year in 2018 are:
- PAC at the Track – Friday, July 27
- Sponsorship Opportunities Here
- Construction Golf Classic & Smoker – Monday, August 13
- Sponsorship Opportunities Here
- Sporting Clay Builders’ Classic – Thursday, September 20 and 27
We hope you consider taking full advantage of these events, and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ben Hammes at