Update on MBI-PAC Events
2020, man. The hits just keep on coming. First, it was PAC at the Track. COVID-19 all but assured we wouldn’t be able to meet indoors. Next, while we thought we were going to be able to get the 21st … Continued
2020, man. The hits just keep on coming. First, it was PAC at the Track. COVID-19 all but assured we wouldn’t be able to meet indoors. Next, while we thought we were going to be able to get the 21st … Continued
The 2019 legislative session has concluded, and now MBI members are asking me: “how did we do?” For starters, we continue to see a Legislature that is truly seeking a way to constantly improve the business climate in Iowa. It’s … Continued
I’ve been thinking lately………. How does MBI begin engaging our members and employees who have not typically been involved with our MBI-PAC and our overall legislative efforts? It’s also directly related to the question I receive most, which is, “I’ve … Continued